The recent atrocities in Gaza where more than 220 innocent civilians have been killed and countless injured as the world governments stand by and allow the very acts of terrorism they claim to be fighting can no longer be accepted without retaliation.
How ironic the White House blames Hamas “thugs” as being responsible for the inhumane raids which took place against an innocent and imprisoned population. The White House makes no mention of the fact that the Zionist Occupation has been engaging in a policy of ethnic cleansing and countless other violations of international law. Where was the White House during the 18 month blockade against Gaza? This act of collective punishment condemned by human rights groups around the world received no comments from the Bullshit Administration of Washington.
Consider the fact that Gaza was under siege yet continued to honor the truce with the Zionist Occupation. Does the Zionist Occupation think that the Palestinian population is going to stand idle and handcuff themselves as they are being abused? Hamas was in the right to begin launching rockets into Israel. They have the right to defend themselves as the Occupation attempts to starve them to death. The Bullshit Administration contends that all terrorists and anyone supporting terrorism must be punished. This policy my friends need apply also to the administration imposing such punishment on others and therefore, President Bush is welcoming the White House as a target as he is the biggest supporter of Israeli terrorism, not to mention being one of the biggest terrorists of the 20th Century. The punishment imposed on Saddam Hussein seems more appropriate for George Bush, Olmert and many of the Arab leaders.
The other countries which have condemned Israel are also to blame. Their empty condemnations mean nothing as they continue their relations with the very governments guilty of encouraging and supporting the atrocities against the Palestinians.
It is time to rise up and do what is necessary to defend the Palestinian population. I am a believer that the famous words “by any means necessary” need to be followed and applied to all involved in this issue. Enough is enough.