By Kawther Salam
In the night of Wednesday, October 29, an extremist orthodox Jew – chosen by God, invaded the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in the old city of Jerusalem. The Jewish terrorist tried to harm three monks who were worshiping God in the church. The monks saw the terrorist Jew and escaped from his attack, but then the terrorist left the Church and went on to vandalize several Palestinian shops nearby the Church. He broke many wooden crosses before the Palestinians shop owners called the Israeli Police.
The Palestinian eyewitnesses said that personnel from the Israeli border Police present near the Church saw the terrorist when he entered the Church and also when he vandalized the Palestinian shops nearby, but they did nothing to stop his criminal actions.
The Israeli police, who arrived to protect the extremist Jew, forced the Palestinian shop owners who gathered after the terrorist attack of the Jew to leave the area. The police used force against the Palestinians, because, according to them, their presence would create confrontation with the orthodox
The extremist Jewish attack against the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem was not the first one and it will not be the last one. On October 23, 2007, Jewish orthodox terrorists burnt the Baptist Church on Narkis Street in a wealthy Jerusalem neighborhood. The Jewish terrorists set the fire in the building; the floor was severely burnt and many chairs were destroyed, but luckily no one was in the building at the time. This neighborhood belonged to Palestinians before 1967 and was stolen wholesale by the Jewish terrorist and criminal invaders from USA, Europe and elsewhere.
Several years ago, a fire bomb was thrown by Jewish terrorists into the bookstore of the Baptist Church. In 1982, the same Church was burned down by a group of Jewish terrorists who called themselves “Nationalist group of Jews”. The Church was rehabilitated after this terror action.
On 5 March 2006, an orthodox Jewish man and two extremist Jewish women attacked the Church of Nazareth in the north of Israel. They threw firecrackers inside the Church.
The pitiable and deluded Jewish terrorists believe that Christians and Muslims should not have a presence in Jerusalem, because supposedly God gave it only to them. Jerusalem should be open to the adherents of the three Abrahamic religions with the only proviso that Jerusalem should be off-limits to the extremists of these three religions. And the occupying Jews have shown their inability to assume responsibility for Jerusalem, a heritage which belongs to all humanity.
Since it is the Jews who are the only ones who resort to terrorism and all sort of criminality to assert their supposed “chooseness” and “right” to Jerusalem, it is entirely possible that God never gave or even promised them anything at all, and that it is only a matter of time before they are forced by this same God who abandoned them, to leave not only Jerusalem, but all my country, for good.