What is life worth?
A grain of earth
A drop of oil
A flag on a hill of holy soil
A cross…a star…a crescent moon…
Is it worth ending a life too soon?
What sacred verses can explain
Sniper fire…
And white phosphorous rain?
What Holy Scripture gave the command
“Thou shall wipe out their villages
And scorch their land”
And after the massacre
Did they lament?
Did they seek forgiveness?
Did they repent?
Did they try to sanctify their burdened souls
While besieging a people behind their walls
Or did they wear with pride their murderous skills:
A pregnant woman with a caption “1 SHOT 2 KILLS”
No rest for the less sacred, no safety, no light
No benediction, no prayer, no end in sight
No bread, no medicine, no shelter, no salvation
No angels can survive this holy Occupation
What is the life of a Palestinian worth,
In this God forsaken earth?