Just when you felt people couldn’t fall to lower levels of ignorance, Michelle Malkin reappears.
This past week, a Dunkin’ Donuts ad featuring celebrity chef and television host Rachel Ray was pulled when ultra conservatives such as Michelle Malkin were critical as to the choice of scarf Rachel Ray wore during an ad to promote iced coffee. Critics complained that the scarf was much too similar to the kaffiyeh (a scarf) that has become a chic fashion accessory throughout the world although its origins are from the Mid East.
Imagine the suffering we may have endured by the Donuts of Mass Destruction (and calories) being promoted by the donut chain and the spokesperson turned terrorist known for her great culinary talents. Let us especially thank Michelle Malkin who took the lead in this war on powdered pastries.
Let us commend the half-wits such as Malkin for their ability to uncover the secret relationship between fashion attire and terrorism. The world is a much safer place now. Truly, it was a surprise to all that terrorists had infiltrated the donut chain and recruited extremists like Rachel Ray to promote terrorism through her fashion sense. Rumor has it the ad was pulled after Homeland Security raised the terror alert to RED after uncovering “chatter” of random jelly filled explosions throughout the chain.
As ridiculous as this may sound, consider that those who uncovered this “terror advertising” are commonly seen commentating on stations like Comedy Central…or is it FOX News??? Michele Malkin and other critics argue that Rachel Ray should not wear the scarf due to its symbolizing Muslim extremism and terrorism. Maybe if we put someone like Malkin in charge of Homeland Security, she would do a better job of protecting us. She can monitor clothing stores in the mall and arrest anyone making suspicious purchases of scarves and jeans.
My hat (not worn by terrorists) goes off to Dunkin’ Donuts for yielding to such ridiculous criticism. Will they realize that the majority of terror planning takes place in their stores and begin banning all Middle Eastern looking patrons?
As foolish as this all may appear, it should open your eyes to the fact that there are individuals among us that continue in their attempt to promote fear and hatred against an entire group of people.