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Basic Timeline
70 – 1899 A.D.
1900 – 1918
1919 – 1922
1923 – 1931
1932 – 1938
1939 – 1946
1967 – 2004
1982 Lebanon War
First Intifadah (Uprising) 1987
Oslo Accords
Wye River memorandum
Al Aqsa Provocation
Second Intifadah (Al Aqsa Intifadah)
United Nations Origins & Evolution
1917-1947: British Mandate
Famous Quotes
Israel’s Right to Be Racist
Jewish National Fund
Refugees 101
Right to Return
Apartheid Wall
Frequently Asked Questions about the Apartheid Wall
How long is the Wall?
Where is the Wall being built?
What does the Wall look like?
When is the build of the wall scheduled to be completed.
Is the Wall temporary?
How is the Wall affecting Palestinian communities?
Are there gates where Palestinians can cross over the Wall and access their lands?
What is the Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign demanding?
How is the Wall related to the Israeli settlement policy?
Would it be acceptable if the Wall was built on the 1967 Green Line?
What is the Wall’s status under international law?
What is the relationship between the Wall and the “Road Map”?
Why does the Israeli government and the Israeli public support the building of the Wall?
What is the US position on the Wall?
What is the position of Europe on the Wall?
A Snapshot Of The Massacres
King David Massacre
Baldat al-Sheikh Massacre:
Yehida Massacre
Khisas Massacre
Qazaza Massacre
Semiramis Hotel Massacre
Massacre at Deir Yasin
The Tantura Massacre
Beit Daras Massacre
The Dahmash Mosque Massacre
Dawayma massacre
Houla Massacre
Salha Massacre
BDS Movement
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Trump takes support for Israel to new extremes
The Electronic Intifada
At least 830 killed in “more aggressive” Israeli offensive
The Electronic Intifada
Cooking up steadfastness in Gaza
The Electronic Intifada
Lawmaker at center of bribery scandal has echoed Israel's lies
The Electronic Intifada
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