On the anniversary of the attack of the US Navy Intelligence ship, the USS Liberty, those few who are even aware or remember the tragic occasionremember the 34 victims which were murdered and the 174 that were injured as a result of the deliberate and brutal Israeli military attack on the ship which was in international waters.
There is unanimous agreement by United States government officials and intelligence agencies that the attack was made with full knowledge that it was a US ship and that the attack was deliberate. Israel obviously acknowledged the attack, but claimed it was mistaken identity. Declassified government documents prove otherwise.
“The evidence was clear. Both Admiral Kidd and I believed with certainty that this attack…was a deliberate effort to sink an American ship and murder its entire crew…. It was our shared belief. . .that the attack. . .could not possibly have been an accident…. I am certain that the Israeli pilots [and] their superiors. . .were well aware that the ship was American.”
— Captain Ward Boston, JAGC, US Navy (retired), senior legal counsel to the US Navy Court of Inquiry
The irony resulting from this tragic event in history is how it is not reported with an obvious attempt to cover it up. Initially by our government, to spare the reputation of Zionist Israel, and also the media in the United States. This was a deliberate attack on the U.S. Where are all the reporters and politicians who claim to care and respect the service of our armed forces? The bias reporting of Mid East politics can not be any clearer when your own armed forces can be attacked and murdered and there is no decency to make any mention of such attack on the anniversary date. Maybe the media is too busy concentrating their efforts on trying to portray Israel as a victim all the time and craftily attempting to lay blame for certain acts on groups not even involved as our politicians have carefully placed their heads in the rectum of the Zionist Lobby.
This behavior should not be condoned. It is the responsibility of us all to honor the innocent victims that lost their lives for no reason at the hands of the true terrorist regime.
For detailed information including a summary of events leading to the attack, FAQs, pictures and more, visit the USS memorial site at www.gtr5.com.