Despite promises by the terrorist government of Israel to stop building their illegal settlements, guess what? They lied. There are over 1,700 new settlement units ready to be built in East Jerusalem based on publications by the government and confirmed by Israeli rights group Peace Now. This does not include the publication of 130 new units earlier this month and the over 300 new units being built in an existing illegal West Bank settlement. Oh yeah, this doesn’t include the 850 illegal settlement homes Olmert approved earlier this year. Consider that these settlements are not only illegal, but are being built on land illegally expropriated from Palestinians.
What is so pathetic is not only the fact that Israel continues to lie, that’s just a given, but how amazing that the world stands by and does nothing regarding these blatant violations of International Law. What’s worse is that the promise made by the Israeli government to halt the illegal settlements took place during a peace summit on American soil last year and they just continue to build these illegal settlements. Months ago, Condoleeza Rice was critical of Israel for such actions as being an obstacle to the peace process. How surprised were we all about that? Rice is usually like a whore on her knees when it comes to defending Israel. Despite their lies though, the U.S. government continues to blindly support and defend this terrorist state. If the Zionists weren’t going to listen to Condi Baby, you would think they would at least respect the United Nations Secretary General for informing them that settlement expansion and construction is contrary to International Law.
Lie…cheat…steal… just a few fundamental principles Israel was built on.