Professor Norman Finkelstein (political scientist, author, academic) of the United States was recently imprisoned upon his arrival to Israel. Without being allowed entry into the country, Professor Finkelstein was arrested, interrogated, imprisoned and then forced to leave the country due to his critical views regarding the illegal policies of the Israeli government.
Despite being of Jewish faith and the son of Holocaust survivors, Israel reinforced the fact that they do not discriminate when it comes to being racist! The Zionist governments refusal to allow Prof. Finkelstein entry typically means that he will be banned for 10 years from entering the country despite the fact that as a man of Jewish faith, he has a right to settle there according to their laws. Their claim of “security risk” is nothing more than a euphamism for their racist policies. The Israeli newspaper Haaretz in a May 27 editorial states: “Considering his unusual and extremely critical views, one cannot avoid the suspicion that refusing to allow him to enter Israel was a punishment rather than a precaution.”
Is this the democracy we continue to hear about that must continue to be supported by our tax dollars? How embarrassed should the U.S. administration be to blindly support such a racist government. How often must Israel show it’s true colors before our administration takes their head out of Israel’s ass and sees the light?
While our economy is struggling, the U.S. provides over $3 billion annually from our tax dollars as grants (yes, grants) to fund the killing of innocent civilians, expropriation of land, building of illegal settlements, demolition of homes……and oh yeah, the building of an Apartheid Wall in the 21st century. And now, in this instance, discrimination against an individual with an impecable reputation for exercising a right this country was so proudly founded upon. I encourage everyone to contact their representatives in the government and let your voice be heard.