15 Jun 2011

The Author


1932 – 1938

1933, 14 July
British Secretary of State issues statement on resettlement of Palestinian farmers displaced from land acquired by Zionists.

1935, October
Revisionists quit World Zionist Organization (WZO) to form New Zionist Organization with aim of “liberating” Palestine and Transjordan.

Shaykh ‘Izz al-Din al-Qassam, Muslim cleric from Haifa, leader of first Palestinian guerrilla group fighting British policy in Palestine, killed in action against British security forces.

1936, 25 April
Leaders of Palestinian political parties form Higher Arab Committee under Chairman Haj Amin al-Husseini.

8 May
Conference of Palestinian National Committees in Jerusalem calls for no taxation without representation. Great Rebellion begins.

25 August
Lebanese guerrilla leader Fawzi al-Qawuqji enters Palestine leading 150 volunteers from Arab countries to help fight British.

11 November
Royal Commission headed by Lord Peel arrives in Palestine.

1937, 18 January
Royal Commission leaves Palestine.

IZL/Irgun, linked to Revisionist movement under Ze’ev Jabotinsky, reorganizes and advocates armed attacks on Palestinians.

7 July
Royal (Peel) Commission report recommends partitioning Palestine into Jewish state comprising 33% of country including Haifa, Galilee, and coastal plain north of Isdud; Arab state in rest of country (to become part of Transjordan); and British mandatory enclaves including Jerusalem. Part of Palestinian population to be forcibly transferred, if necessary, from Jewish state, click here to learn how deeply the concept of “transfer” (Ethnic Cleansing) is entrenched in the Zionist theology.

23 July
Arab Higher Committee rejects Royal Commission proposal and demands independent unitary Palestine with protection of “legitimate Jewish and other minority rights” and the safeguarding of British interests. Rebellion intensifies.

Arab National Congress at Bludan, Syria, attended by 450 delegates from Arab countries, rejects partition proposal, demands end to Mandate, a stop to Zionist immigration, and prohibition of transfer of Palestinian lands to Zionist ownership.

1 October
British dissolve Arab Higher Committee and all Palestinian political organizations. Five Palestinian leaders deported. Haj Amin al-Husseini escapes to Lebanon.

11 November
British establish military courts to counter Palestinian rebellion.

1938, April-August
IZL/Irgun bombings kill 119 Palestinians. Palestinian bombs and mines kill 8 Jews.

British officer Orde Wingate organizes Special Night Squads of British and Haganah personnel for operations against Palestinian villages.

18 October
British military commanders take over administration from district commissioners to help suppress rebellion. Reinforcements brought from England.

19 October
British recapture Old City of Jerusalem from Palestinian rebels.

9 November
Report of British Woodhead technical commission of inquiry (January-April 1938) declares impracticability of Royal Commission’s partition proposal. British call for general conference on Palestine in London attended by Arabs, Palestinians, and Zionists.

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